[. . . ] dLAN HS Ethernet ® © 2006 devolo AG, Aachen (Germany) While the information in this manual has been compiled with great care, it may not be deemed an assurance of product characteristics. devolo shall be liable only to the degree specified in the terms of sale and delivery. The reproduction and distribution of the documentation and software supplied with this product and the use of its contents is subject to written authorization from devolo. We reserve the right to make any alterations that arise as the result of technical development. [. . . ] Act: Flashes when data are being sent or received over the power lines. b Ethernet connection: This is the connection point on the dLAN HS Ethernet for connecting it to a computer or another device with the network cable (included). Make sure that all of the dLAN adapter that you want to add to your network are also connected to the power supply grid. After about 15 minutes, a dLAN adapter switches into stand-by mode unless there is an active device connected to the Ethernet interface. dLAN adapters in stand-by mode are not accessible over the power supply grid. 2. 3 Connecting the dLAN HS Ethernet In this section, we will show you how to connect the dLAN HS Ethernet to a computer. Before connecting the dLAN HS Ethernet, note its security ID and keep it ready for configuring the network. With the computer running connect the dLAN HS Ethernet to an Ethernet port of the computer with the network cable (included). For more information, refer to the chapter on 'devolo dLAN software'. No drivers are required for running the dLAN HS Ethernet. | devolo dLAN Highspeed Ethernet | 10 devolo dLAN software | 3 devolo dLAN software This chapter introduces you to the dLAN configuration wizard, Informer, EasyShare and EasyClean devolo tools. It describes how to install them and how to configure your dLAN network. 3. 1 3. 1. 1 Overview of the devolo software dLAN configuration wizard The dLAN configuration wizard helps you to build and change your encrypted dLAN network. The dLAN configuration wizard requires them for configuration of the network. You will find the security ID on the bottom of the device. Start the dLAN configuration wizard under Start dLAN configuration wizard. The dLAN configuration wizard starts the network analysis and searches for dLAN adapters on your network. Make sure that all of the dLAN adapters that you want to add to your network are also connected to the power supply grid. If no active device is connected to the Ethernet port, a dLAN adapter will go into standby mode after about 15 minutes. It cannot be configured while in standby mode. In the following dialog box select a common password for your dLAN network and confirm your input with Next. The password set up initially by devolo is HomePlug. The dLAN adapters connected directly to your computer is detected automatically. Enter in | devolo dLAN Highspeed Ethernet | 12 devolo dLAN software | sequence the security IDs of the dLAN adapters that are to be included into a network and click Add. Click Next when you have entered all desired dLAN adapters. Exit securing your network by clicking Finish. Your dLAN network is now secure against unauthorized access from outside. The configuration of the dLAN network can be changed or updated at any time. To do this repeat the configuration process as described above. | devolo dLAN Highspeed Ethernet | | 3. 4 devolo dLAN software 13 Overview in the dLAN network with the Informer Due to the Informer you always have an overview of all dLAN adapters in your dLAN network. The Informer shows the dLAN adapter connected directly to the computer as well as all dLAN adapters that are included into the same dLAN network. The Informer displays information about all dLAN devices in your network, such as their MAC addresses for dLAN and current transfer speeds. Right-clicking on one of the dLAN adapters opens a context menu in which the following commands are available: b 'Rename' opens a dialog in which you can assign a new name to the device. b 'Start dLAN configuration wizard' opens a dialog in which you can add new dLAN adapters to the dLAN network and assign the network password. Informer displays only those dLAN adapters that are connected to the power supply and added to your dLAN network. After about 15 minutes, a dLAN adapter switches into stand-by mode unless there is an active device connected to the Ethernet interface. dLAN adapters in stand-by mode are not shown in Informer. | devolo dLAN Highspeed Ethernet | 14 devolo dLAN software | 3. 5 Communication in the network using EasyShare All users on the local network who have started EasyShare are automatically recognized by the program and listed: 3. 5. 1 Configuration The EasyShare software provides two easy wizards, which will guide you quickly and easily through the configuration process: the first setup wizard, which starts automatically the first time the program is started, and the sharing wizard, which allows you to add shared items at any time. [. . . ] Operating manuals and possibly supplied software are excluded from the warranty. Material and service charges shall be covered by devolo, but not shipping and handling costs involved in transport from the buyer to the service station and/or to devolo. firmware updates) beyond repair and replacement of defective parts in order to bring the equipment up to the current technical state. A legal claim to this service does not exist. 5. 5 b) c) d) 2 Warranty period The warranty period for this devolo product is three years. [. . . ]